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Do I need help for depression if I can function “normally”?

Oct 8, 2021 | Depression, Mental Health

Forward, Together with western tidewater community services board

Do I need help for depression if I can function “normally” in my day to day life?

Many people think that even if they feel a little sad, they just need to power through and not take their feelings seriously.

But should you do that? Should you seek help for depression even if you feel like you are functioning ‘normally?

The answer is yes.

Depressive symptoms can range from mild, to moderate to severe. When a person displays ‘mild’ depressive symptoms it may come across that they are not struggling but that is often not reflected on the inside.

Any range of depressive symptoms can affect your ability to function and we recommend that you seek help from a qualified therapist.

Daniell Moore with Western Tidewater CSB explains more in the video below.

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